
Tuesday, February 08, 2011 / /

First, sorry for the inexcusable time away. I hope this won't happen again, because the whole point of this blog was to keep up with it and make sure I make goals everyday. But in my defense I did think of a goal each day, I just never found the time to sit down and put in the time to write an entry. While the goals are ultimately the most important part of this blog, I do like to rationalize why I've created a goal, both to myself and to whoever decides to read my tangents.

Anyway, the goal from Saturday was one that was suggested by a close friend during a much needed catch-up on friday afternoon (I'm not going to use people's names on the blog, you never know who honestly likes being mentioned by name and who doesn't). She told me, as many people have, that she really enjoyed goal #2; a small gesture that can make a difference in another person's life, and could potentially be easily spread by others. I agreed, and defiantly hope to make more goals similar to that one in the near future. She shared a gesture that her and her family do on every road trip and I instantly fell in love with it.

Pay for the person behind me at a toll (whenever money permits).

As long as I have the appropriate change on me, I love the idea of paying for the person behind you at a toll. It obviously isn't about the act of saving a dollar or less, it is about a random act of kindness for a complete stranger.

While I could obviously ramble on for hours about how I love this whole "random acts of kindness" (for no reason) idea, I'm trying to catch up on being a few days behind tonight. So if you want to talk more about this call me, whenever works for you. And if you don't have my number and are reading this, thanks, and feel free to comment or message me. Also, watch "Pay It Forward", it's a pretty good movie with a really great message.

Thanks for reading, and only a few more entries to catch up on tonight!


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