
Monday, March 21, 2011 / /


Interesting link of a long but fascinating discussion by David Brooks, a writer for the NY Times on (among other things) the shallowness of our population. The first ten minutes are worth watching, after that he lost my interest until about a minute was left in the video. But if you have 10 free minutes I highly recommend it.  I'm not going to say you should watch this instead of Jersey Shore, but I would defiantly recommend skipping the last 10 minutes of "The Real Housewives of (insert a city I never want to live in thanks to this show).

Inspired by this video, and with my re-fueled passion for helping those who are striving for an education, today's goal came easily.

Volunteer as a tutor

Committing to being a teacher is something that may eventually lay in my future. Whether it is helping with the education of our youth in poor or less fortunate areas of our country, or traveling abroad and teaching English to students driven to compete in our globalized economy, I may be a teacher (in the formal, professional sense of the word). But for now I want to ensure that I help with furthering education, even if I do pursue another career path.

I have taken so much from the education system throughout my 22 years. I have been fortunate enough to be taught by some amazing and truly inspirational teachers, and I hope to pass this passion for education on to the next generation of students.

I have no idea when or where this will be, but I'm extremely confident when the right time comes I'll be ready to embark on the arduous task of educating our youth.

I can only dream to inspire a student to the degree that (a certain select few) teachers have inspired me.

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

It is a quote I live my life by, and one that drives this goal.

If I want there to be a higher quality educational system in the world, why not start by ensuring the smartest person I know is part of that process.

That person is me.

Son, brother, student, writer, friend, research assistant, intern, travel buddy, boyfriend, grandson, nephew, idealist, political ambiguoust... whatever title you associate with me, I hope to add tutor to that list.

Hopefully "inspiration" follows soon after.

Thanks for reading and have a better day than the only "ok" weather in Tucson.


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