
Friday, February 11, 2011 / /

Read an entire book in one day.

This sounds really nice to me right now. This may be the first goal I accomplish. I secretly hope it is because I really want to have a day where I just sit down, relax, and read all day.

I know, I sound like a nerd right now. But I'm being honest, I do love reading. Also, my newfound love for my kindle has really hooked me back into reading. It has become an escape for me, as it was when I was younger. My parents always encouraged us to read, and often shut off the TV at night and we sat around the living room reading as a family. I don't have too many vivid memories of my childhood, but for some reason this is one of them. So maybe something about cuddling up under a blanket at night makes me think of my childhood, maybe it makes me feel closer to my parents and sister, or maybe I enjoy reading so much just because if I'm reading it means I'm not doing more homework; who knows. Whatever the reason may be, I want to allocate quite a few days to reading before I'm 31, but I've always had the goal of starting and finishing a book in one day.

Don't worry, I won't cheat and just flip through a picture book, as tempting as that may be.

The problem with living in Arizona is that it is extremely challenging to find days where you can just sit around the house and read. The weather really never allows you to do so. When I lived in Connecticut you would look out in the dead of winter and realize a book and a cup of hot chocolate looked much more enticing than shoveling off and defrosting your car. But in Arizona, when it is 70 degrees and sunny on February 11th it is very hard to resist spending a day outdoors. Yes, it is true that every day is this weather, but I never get sick of it. It is extremely rare for me to wake up and just want to have a lazy day. It is always perfect weather here, so I'm always convinced to go outside and making something of my day. Maybe one day I'll just close all my blinds, ignore the sun peaking through, and cuddle up with a book in bed. Might be a good idea to turn up my air conditioning too, make it cold enough that I want a cup of hot chocolate. Hopefully then I'll be willing to sit in bed all day and finish a book.

As for now, I'm slowing working my way through George Bush's new book, "Decision Points". Not a big fan of the guy to be honest, but the book is a very good read, and a fascinating look into the life of the Commander-in-Chief during a very difficult 8-year stretch. I highly recommend it.

But when I find a new book I'm defiantly going to consider reading it from start to finish in one day. Let you know when I finish the book, what it was, and how it was.

Thanks for reading this entry. Hope you were able to read it all in one day.


Chelsea Brooke on February 11, 2011 at 3:20 PM

I really enjoyed what you wrote, I will admit this is the first time I have even been to your blog...so I'm sorry. Personally, I have read a book in a day, but I think it's because once I get hooked I can't possibly do anything else. I become so drawn into the story I have to continue or I'll go crazy. Some nights this happens and when I finally look up from the pages its 4am. So, being a student I have a tendency to leave the books on the shelves till I can get a real break... You're right about being in Connecticut, that was most likely my favorite part about growing up there. But I'm only in Delaware so my travel south still lets me cuddle up with some coco. Anyway...haha thanks for helping me avoid school for a while!

patty/mom on February 15, 2011 at 12:15 PM

my favorite place to read is outside, you just need a really comfortable spot, knowing how much you love to climb, maybe you can strap on a lounge chair and read with a view.

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