
Monday, February 21, 2011 / /

First of all, happy birthday to my sister Chloe. I have THE MOST amazing sister in the world and I couldn't be a luckier brother. I feel fortunate to have her not only as my sister, but also as a close friend. Side-note, she's the girl in my profile picture on facebook who makes me look half decent, just in case you'd never met her before. Happy 20th Chloe, can't wait to come home and celebrate it with you soon.

In honor of my favorite sister's b-day I'll keep the family theme.

To be an extra in a movie.

Not a "save the world" goal here, I know, but something I still really want to do.

My dad was in a movie, just in case you didn't know. If you haven't seen it I'd be happy to show you sometime. The VHS box proudly hangs on my wall, and if you look hard enough you can absolutely find it. While he was snubbed for an Oscar that year I still think it is one of, if not THE greatest supporting role ever in a movie, and I think anyone who's seen it would agree.

So to be in a movie is simply carrying on family tradition. It would be disrespectful not to!

No idea what movie, or when I'll get around to this goal. But I will defiantly let you know when I finally accomplish it.

Hopefully we can rent out a theater and have a whole screening party. I want a red carpet and the E! channel to be there, nothing less.

Thanks for reading, glad to be back on schedule, and expect another post in the next 16 hours.


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