
Monday, February 21, 2011 / /

See a therapist for my fear of falling

Ok, if you know me this goal may or may not surprise you.

It should surprise you because I don't like therapists in general. Sorry, I know, a bit blunt. But this is my blog, so I can say what I want. I just don't like the idea of someone thinking they can deal with the problems of other people using something they learned in a psychology class or from a prior patient. 

Everyone is different. Every person has a different past, a different upbringing, and different problems. So to prescribe some over the counter pill to "fix" someone is not what anyone in psychology or therapy profession should be doing. Talking to someone about their problems in an attempt to find their root and help them is awesome by me, but giving them drugs in an attempt to eradicate some sort of "chemical imbalance" is something I rarely agree with. (Yes, I do make exceptions for some serious mental disorders [split personality, etc.], I'm not that much of a monster...)

Again, I'm sure I've offended someone, and for that I am sorry. But if you know me then you know I argue this fun stuff whenever it comes up. 

If you think these drugs are helping our youth then I encourage you to go outside the U.S. and ask someone what adderall is. Australians and most Europeans have no idea from my experience. And Europeans speak 8 different languages by the time they turn 12 (not a fact, but close to), so they must be doing something right! China is kicking our butt in science and technology, Europe is certainly comparable for k-12 educational, and even has some outstanding Universities as well; the U.S. needs to stop turning to prescription drugs and start turning back to hard work if we want to fix our "problems" in the realm of academia. 

Wow, that was fun. Sorry, my political science came to the forefront. Probably shouldn't write these entries when I'm cranky. Midnight is well past my bedtime.

Ok, back to my goal. 

I have a terribly fear of falling. 

I don't hide from it anymore, it's way too obvious. I get sweaty palms on a fourth floor balcony and never look over railings.

But instead of letting my fear control me I continue to try to fight it. Mind over matter is another motto I live by. I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it. 

But I have to be honest, this heights this is really getting to me.

I've tried bungee jumping and skydiving. Both were absolutely terrifying, yet both were absolutely amazing experiences that I don't regret for a second.

Yet my fear is just as bad as it's ever been.

So I'm turning to the last option I can think of; therapy. 

Let you know how it goes as I'm extremely excited to accomplish this goal! Hopefully I can overcome my fear and start adding goals such as "look over the edge of a 5th story balcony". Wow, that sounds fun already. 

Thanks for reading, and hope I didn't anger too many of my readers with my ramble in the beginning!

Please let me know your reaction (anonymously, enough you comment of course) but clicking "like", "don't like", the whatever that third option is (something like I like it enough to add it to my list! is that redundant with the first option?)

More updates coming later today.


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