
Monday, February 21, 2011 / /

Ok so if you read my goal from 2/19/2011 then this goal probably doesn't make very much sense. But then again, jumping out of an airplane or off a 16th story platform doesn't make very much sense if you have a terrible fear of falling either, but I've done both of those (re-reading this I realized neither one of those makes very much sense even if you don't have a fear of falling, but you get the idea).

Take a ride in a helicopter.

Preferably this goal would be accomplished looking over something really awesome. Maybe the Grand Canyon, or some beautiful waterfall in Central or South America, ideally I would be able to see something I never would've seen without being in that amazing vantage point.

Yes I can admit I will be a nervous wreck for a majority of the helicopter ride, probably imagining the propellers cutting and me falling to my tragic death and destroying some stunning waterfall in South America. Not only perishing in a freak accident, but also ruining a natural wonder of the world,  really horrific way to go. But after after safely landing I'm sure it'll be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, so I feel an obligation to add this idea to my list to ensure I face my fear yet again.

Maybe I should accomplish 2/19 before I attempt this goal, that would probably be the smartest way to go about it. But no promises, I'll accomplish goals as the opportunities present themselves!

Have a great day.


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