
Sunday, February 27, 2011 / /

Own a camera I'm proud of.

I've had quite a few cameras over the years and don't get me wrong, I have loved them all.

But I've decided that I want a camera that truly captures the images I see before I embark on my next international excursion.

The problem with this goal is that I tend to go through cameras with breathtaking speed. Whether it is breaking a lens, destroying a battery, or losing the camera all together (though I still contend it was stolen...), I have terrible luck with cameras.

But I'm making a promise to myself, and to anyone else who contributes to my "new and amazing camera fund", that I will not make the same mistakes I've made in the past with this new camera.

While I am content with little Sony 10.1 megapixel I bought while in Prague (after my Kodak went missing/ may have been stolen) I know I need higher quality camera in order to truly capture whatever amazing sights I see on my next adventure.

Until then I'll keep replacing the AA batteries in my Sony, and relying on my "artsy shots" and "cool candids" in order to capture my travels.

But expect this goal to be crossed off my list before I board my next international flight.

Thanks for taking the time to read this entry. It's been a long day of English assignments and reading over job applications, so I hope this entry made some sense. While I can admit it wasn't as eloquently worded as I had hoped, I'm sure you'll still find the meaning behind this entry. Hopefully you can ignore my poor diction for the time being.

Again, sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend, and I can't wait to share more goals with you over the course of this week.

Have an awesome day!


Anonymous on February 27, 2011 at 5:02 PM

I like this whole entire blog and I always look forward to your next goal that you wish to accomplishment.

It would be so amazing if you were able to accomplish every single one of your goals.

It would be awesome if you could somehow get sponsored by people and receive the funds to do everything. If that happened you could have a whole blog going about all of your experiences, discoveries, breathtaking photographs and more.

I would definitely follow you if this happened.

Good luck!

Comment by Philip Canton on February 27, 2011 at 9:28 PM

Wow, that is a fantastic idea! I wonder who would be willing to donate. Maybe if I tried to raise a portion of the profits for a charity, which of course I would love to do.

Thanks so much for the great idea! Really appreciate it, and defiantly a great idea I'm going to investigate in the near future.

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