
Sunday, February 20, 2011 / /

QUICK NOTE: There are now "Like", "don't like" and "I'll put that on my list" (or something like that...) options down at the bottom of each response. They are completely anonymous, so if you don't like a goal feel free to let me know! But I would love to get some feedback and see which goals people like the most or weren't a big fan of. So please take a second after you read to click a box if you'd be so kind. Thanks and sorry for being days behind, again, catching up within the next 24 hours.

I live my life by many mottos, but when that I always keep in the forefront of my mind and commonly preach to others is "no regrets".

It's simple, yet extremely important in my opinion.

Everyone makes mistakes, and to learn from your mistakes is an admirable quality; but to dwell on your mistakes can be one of the biggest hindrances to progress anyone can make in their life. In order to move forward, to truly learn from your mistakes and alter your life so you do not make those same blunders is crucial in order to efficiently use your time, in my opinion. And time flies by, trust me, I realized it one day and the next day I started this blog.

With that tangent aside, I realize an enormous mistake I made in my past and absolutely learned from it. The lesson I learned from it is why I created this goal.

Help with Natural Disaster Relief Efforts

After Hurricane Katrina a culturally vibrant city had been nearly drown. I had seen pictures of Bourbon Street, and dreamt going to an amazing atmosphere like Mardi Gras, where people flooded the streets enjoying a celebration. I imagined a city where jazz filled the streets, and amazing southern cooking was on the menu at every restaurant. But in 2005 I sat and watched the news with my parents as a city I dreamt of visiting became the epicenter of one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States.

New Orleans was needed help and fast. I'll never forget seeing the pictures of the Superdome filled with people in need of food and shelter as their homes were now impossible to get to under feet of water. I still can't help but become a bit agitated while reading George Bush's chapter on Katrina in Decision Points, his book about his time as President.

Those people needed help in order to survive. Other Americans needed help and I was no where to be found.

I'll be honest; I'm not brave enough to join the Armed Forces. I'm far too scared to fight for my country overseas. I know for a fact I don't have the courage to do so at this point in my life, and that is what makes me respect those in the Armed Forces as well as veterans for their amazing strength and courage.

But just because I'm too much of a wimp to fight in war does not mean I can't help my country.

I passed on helping Americans in a time of need, and that is not a mistake I plan to repeat in the future.

Before I'm 31 I will help those in need following a disaster. I hope I never achieve this goal only because there is never another disaster that effects the lives of so many in such a terrible way. But if another disaster does occur I can't wait for at least one of my readers to be headed there to help with me.

Thanks for reading.


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