
Monday, February 28, 2011 / / comments (1)

First off, I want to wish a VERY happy birthday to my amazing girlfriend. Hard to say whether or not I would've started this blog without her, but she has certainly helped me come up with the ideas for quite a few goals. Though we are half way across the country from each other there are very few people who have such an outstanding influence on my life, obviously for the better. So if you haven't, please make sure to wish her a happy birthday, and tell her she's old.

This goal came about yesterday while I was researching flights and traveling in general.

Take a standby flight.

The idea of a stand-by flight is really interesting to me. I know a few guys who did this while I was in Prague, but never knew very much about it at the time. One of my roommates had friends come to visit and they got their tickets through standby, and at the time I just knew they got really cheap tickets, I had no idea how. But after doing some research I think it's a fascinating idea.

Most flights have open seats and most flights are very expensive. But both the airline and the consumer (the person who wants a ticket) "win" by selling an unsold ticket on a flight at a discounted rate. This is basically what a standby ticket its; a person literally "stands-by" a gate until a flight shows up heading to their desired destination that isn't full.

I love airports and I love cheap flights, so this seems like an ideal combination for me. All I do is wait around an airport a flight to be departing with open seats on it, and then jump on that flight for really cheap!

Everyone wins! I get to travel, and not empty my bank account!

Thanks for reading, have a nice night, and I hope you like the new format! I'm so-so on it, so we'll see how long it lasts...


Sunday, February 27, 2011 / / comments (2)

Own a camera I'm proud of.

I've had quite a few cameras over the years and don't get me wrong, I have loved them all.

But I've decided that I want a camera that truly captures the images I see before I embark on my next international excursion.

The problem with this goal is that I tend to go through cameras with breathtaking speed. Whether it is breaking a lens, destroying a battery, or losing the camera all together (though I still contend it was stolen...), I have terrible luck with cameras.

But I'm making a promise to myself, and to anyone else who contributes to my "new and amazing camera fund", that I will not make the same mistakes I've made in the past with this new camera.

While I am content with little Sony 10.1 megapixel I bought while in Prague (after my Kodak went missing/ may have been stolen) I know I need higher quality camera in order to truly capture whatever amazing sights I see on my next adventure.

Until then I'll keep replacing the AA batteries in my Sony, and relying on my "artsy shots" and "cool candids" in order to capture my travels.

But expect this goal to be crossed off my list before I board my next international flight.

Thanks for taking the time to read this entry. It's been a long day of English assignments and reading over job applications, so I hope this entry made some sense. While I can admit it wasn't as eloquently worded as I had hoped, I'm sure you'll still find the meaning behind this entry. Hopefully you can ignore my poor diction for the time being.

Again, sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend, and I can't wait to share more goals with you over the course of this week.

Have an awesome day!


Sunday, February 27, 2011 / / comments (0)

So I don't allow myself to use Stumbleupon.com, simply because I waste far too much time as it is on the internet as it is. The last thing I need to do is use a website to track my interests and send me to sites I probably will like, thus wasting hours more of my life. But obviously I've found alternate ways to waste time while on the internet, and one of my recent favorites has become the "next blog" link at the top of every blogger.com page. If you look at the top center of my page I assume it'll be there for you too. It just says "next blog" and once you click it the system randomly sends you to another blog. I have no idea where it comes up with what blog is "next", but I have found it ridiculously addicting.

While cruising the "next blog" tab this morning I came upon this link.

Because of privacy rights I can't attach the picture to this post, but I promise it's not a virus.

I loved this picture, and after looking at it for a minute my next goal became glaringly obvious.

Stand on the equator.

I'll admit, this goal is just another excuse for me to travel. But if you know me then you know I have no shame in creating these types of goals.

Hope your day is going well! I'll be putting up my goal for today, February 27th, in a matter of minutes.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Sunday, February 27, 2011 / / comments (0)

Again, I'm sorry. I use this blog as an escape from applying to jobs and/or doing work, so when the weekend rolls around and school and job applications are put on the back burner this blog seems become a casualty of the same fate. Again, for anyone who checked this page between Friday and now, I'm sorry.

Take a motorcycle trip of 500+ miles.

I've never ridden on a motorcycle. But from what I've read and heard it is supposed to be an amazing escape and very relaxing. That sounds pretty nice right now, so I figured I'd add this goal to my list.

Who knows, maybe I'll accomplish this goal in my near future!

Thanks for reading, and 2 more goals coming today.


Friday, February 25, 2011 / / comments (1)

Plant a tree.

Lots of trees get cut down every day, so I figure I should plant one and help the planet a little bit. I got this goal from a good friend I was fortunate enough to catch up with earlier today and immediately loved the idea.

While I planned to save this goal for a day where I had no goals in mind, today is one of those days...

I'm 15 minutes late on putting this goal up, but better late than never!

No real story behind this one, just something I'd like to do. Seems like a nice thing to do, and I love nice stuff.

See you tomorrow and thanks for reading.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011 / / comments (0)

Go to the Daily Show.

I know, nothing that makes you glad you read it; sorry. But tonight's goal is simple, go see John Stewart in person and hopefully find the courage to tell him I want his job. I think the guy is a genius. He can sit there and go back and forth with anyone on any given issue every single night . Whether you agree with his politics or not, it is hard to argue that John Stewart isn't one of, if not THE, smartest
people on television.

I've been watching the
Daily Show since I started becoming interested in what was going on in the world sometime during high school and haven't stopped since. My friends and I talked about going to a filming since his studio is in NYC (an hour from where I grew up in CT), but never got around to it. So now it's on my list so I have to do it! No more excuses!
If we've talked about going to show before, and you know exactly who you are, then lets pick a date sometime soon and go already! And if we haven't talked about going but you want to go with me, then please let me know!

Thanks for reading and I'm tired. So goodnight!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011 / / comments (0)

Follow a musical act to three different venues.

Basically be a groupie for three concerts in a row.

Always wondered what it'd be like to be on tour, so I guess this could be a good start! I've also wondered if  bands play similar or even the same sets from night to night. I've seen a few acts more than once and know they play different music over the course of six months, but I wonder if some groups play concerts one night and don't the next.

Anyway, not much to this goal to be honest, just kind of a cool idea that popped into my head while sitting on the couch with one of my roommates listening to music.

See you tomorrow.


Monday, February 21, 2011 / / comments (0)

Ok so if you read my goal from 2/19/2011 then this goal probably doesn't make very much sense. But then again, jumping out of an airplane or off a 16th story platform doesn't make very much sense if you have a terrible fear of falling either, but I've done both of those (re-reading this I realized neither one of those makes very much sense even if you don't have a fear of falling, but you get the idea).

Take a ride in a helicopter.

Preferably this goal would be accomplished looking over something really awesome. Maybe the Grand Canyon, or some beautiful waterfall in Central or South America, ideally I would be able to see something I never would've seen without being in that amazing vantage point.

Yes I can admit I will be a nervous wreck for a majority of the helicopter ride, probably imagining the propellers cutting and me falling to my tragic death and destroying some stunning waterfall in South America. Not only perishing in a freak accident, but also ruining a natural wonder of the world,  really horrific way to go. But after after safely landing I'm sure it'll be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, so I feel an obligation to add this idea to my list to ensure I face my fear yet again.

Maybe I should accomplish 2/19 before I attempt this goal, that would probably be the smartest way to go about it. But no promises, I'll accomplish goals as the opportunities present themselves!

Have a great day.


Monday, February 21, 2011 / / comments (0)

First of all, happy birthday to my sister Chloe. I have THE MOST amazing sister in the world and I couldn't be a luckier brother. I feel fortunate to have her not only as my sister, but also as a close friend. Side-note, she's the girl in my profile picture on facebook who makes me look half decent, just in case you'd never met her before. Happy 20th Chloe, can't wait to come home and celebrate it with you soon.

In honor of my favorite sister's b-day I'll keep the family theme.

To be an extra in a movie.

Not a "save the world" goal here, I know, but something I still really want to do.

My dad was in a movie, just in case you didn't know. If you haven't seen it I'd be happy to show you sometime. The VHS box proudly hangs on my wall, and if you look hard enough you can absolutely find it. While he was snubbed for an Oscar that year I still think it is one of, if not THE greatest supporting role ever in a movie, and I think anyone who's seen it would agree.

So to be in a movie is simply carrying on family tradition. It would be disrespectful not to!

No idea what movie, or when I'll get around to this goal. But I will defiantly let you know when I finally accomplish it.

Hopefully we can rent out a theater and have a whole screening party. I want a red carpet and the E! channel to be there, nothing less.

Thanks for reading, glad to be back on schedule, and expect another post in the next 16 hours.


Monday, February 21, 2011 / / comments (0)

See a therapist for my fear of falling

Ok, if you know me this goal may or may not surprise you.

It should surprise you because I don't like therapists in general. Sorry, I know, a bit blunt. But this is my blog, so I can say what I want. I just don't like the idea of someone thinking they can deal with the problems of other people using something they learned in a psychology class or from a prior patient. 

Everyone is different. Every person has a different past, a different upbringing, and different problems. So to prescribe some over the counter pill to "fix" someone is not what anyone in psychology or therapy profession should be doing. Talking to someone about their problems in an attempt to find their root and help them is awesome by me, but giving them drugs in an attempt to eradicate some sort of "chemical imbalance" is something I rarely agree with. (Yes, I do make exceptions for some serious mental disorders [split personality, etc.], I'm not that much of a monster...)

Again, I'm sure I've offended someone, and for that I am sorry. But if you know me then you know I argue this fun stuff whenever it comes up. 

If you think these drugs are helping our youth then I encourage you to go outside the U.S. and ask someone what adderall is. Australians and most Europeans have no idea from my experience. And Europeans speak 8 different languages by the time they turn 12 (not a fact, but close to), so they must be doing something right! China is kicking our butt in science and technology, Europe is certainly comparable for k-12 educational, and even has some outstanding Universities as well; the U.S. needs to stop turning to prescription drugs and start turning back to hard work if we want to fix our "problems" in the realm of academia. 

Wow, that was fun. Sorry, my political science came to the forefront. Probably shouldn't write these entries when I'm cranky. Midnight is well past my bedtime.

Ok, back to my goal. 

I have a terribly fear of falling. 

I don't hide from it anymore, it's way too obvious. I get sweaty palms on a fourth floor balcony and never look over railings.

But instead of letting my fear control me I continue to try to fight it. Mind over matter is another motto I live by. I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it. 

But I have to be honest, this heights this is really getting to me.

I've tried bungee jumping and skydiving. Both were absolutely terrifying, yet both were absolutely amazing experiences that I don't regret for a second.

Yet my fear is just as bad as it's ever been.

So I'm turning to the last option I can think of; therapy. 

Let you know how it goes as I'm extremely excited to accomplish this goal! Hopefully I can overcome my fear and start adding goals such as "look over the edge of a 5th story balcony". Wow, that sounds fun already. 

Thanks for reading, and hope I didn't anger too many of my readers with my ramble in the beginning!

Please let me know your reaction (anonymously, enough you comment of course) but clicking "like", "don't like", the whatever that third option is (something like I like it enough to add it to my list! is that redundant with the first option?)

More updates coming later today.


Sunday, February 20, 2011 / / comments (0)

QUICK NOTE: There are now "Like", "don't like" and "I'll put that on my list" (or something like that...) options down at the bottom of each response. They are completely anonymous, so if you don't like a goal feel free to let me know! But I would love to get some feedback and see which goals people like the most or weren't a big fan of. So please take a second after you read to click a box if you'd be so kind. Thanks and sorry for being days behind, again, catching up within the next 24 hours.

I live my life by many mottos, but when that I always keep in the forefront of my mind and commonly preach to others is "no regrets".

It's simple, yet extremely important in my opinion.

Everyone makes mistakes, and to learn from your mistakes is an admirable quality; but to dwell on your mistakes can be one of the biggest hindrances to progress anyone can make in their life. In order to move forward, to truly learn from your mistakes and alter your life so you do not make those same blunders is crucial in order to efficiently use your time, in my opinion. And time flies by, trust me, I realized it one day and the next day I started this blog.

With that tangent aside, I realize an enormous mistake I made in my past and absolutely learned from it. The lesson I learned from it is why I created this goal.

Help with Natural Disaster Relief Efforts

After Hurricane Katrina a culturally vibrant city had been nearly drown. I had seen pictures of Bourbon Street, and dreamt going to an amazing atmosphere like Mardi Gras, where people flooded the streets enjoying a celebration. I imagined a city where jazz filled the streets, and amazing southern cooking was on the menu at every restaurant. But in 2005 I sat and watched the news with my parents as a city I dreamt of visiting became the epicenter of one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States.

New Orleans was needed help and fast. I'll never forget seeing the pictures of the Superdome filled with people in need of food and shelter as their homes were now impossible to get to under feet of water. I still can't help but become a bit agitated while reading George Bush's chapter on Katrina in Decision Points, his book about his time as President.

Those people needed help in order to survive. Other Americans needed help and I was no where to be found.

I'll be honest; I'm not brave enough to join the Armed Forces. I'm far too scared to fight for my country overseas. I know for a fact I don't have the courage to do so at this point in my life, and that is what makes me respect those in the Armed Forces as well as veterans for their amazing strength and courage.

But just because I'm too much of a wimp to fight in war does not mean I can't help my country.

I passed on helping Americans in a time of need, and that is not a mistake I plan to repeat in the future.

Before I'm 31 I will help those in need following a disaster. I hope I never achieve this goal only because there is never another disaster that effects the lives of so many in such a terrible way. But if another disaster does occur I can't wait for at least one of my readers to be headed there to help with me.

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, February 17, 2011 / / comments (0)

Come back to an Arizona basketball game after I graduate.

As I sit on my couch with my roommates watching Arizona vs. Washington State I realized I'm really going to miss going to basketball games so often. I'm obviously also going to miss college, more than I even realize now.

So plain and simple, I have to come back to my alma mater after I graduate for a basketball game.

Sorry for the short entry but I have to get back to watching the game!

See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011 / / comments (0)

Invest in the stock market.

This is something that defiantly intrigues me, but something I know absolutely nothing about. I get the general concept behind buying stock, but I have no idea what the price of a share is, how many shares to buy, how often to buy and sell, and where I could buy a cool suit so I could blend in with the guys who invest in stocks and then sit around in upscale "lounges" and talk about recent investments (hope that happens in real-life, not only in American Psycho).

So once I start making money I defiantly plan on setting some aside (no idea how much, again, I don't know what I'm doing quite yet), then calling a friend who is a finance major, or who interned for some investment firm in NYC and asking them how this all works.

After that I plan on making millions or possibly billions of dollars thanks to my investments and then buying an island. Houses are so 20th century, islands are the next generation; you heard it here first.

Ok, well I'll let you know when I buy my stocks and what in. That way my loyal followers can invest with me, we can all make millions, and our islands can be near each other. Wow, I can't wait.

Until then, thanks for reading and see you tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011 / / comments (1)

Stay up for 72 straight hours.

The human mind is an amazing place. Just as quickly as you can become engrossed in your own mind, you can also become disoriented.

After failing to get to bed before midnight tonight I'm left with a conundrum I've faced countless times over the past 4 years; should I lay in bed with the lights off attempting to fall asleep so I can wake up at 5 am to study for my test at 8, or should I just stay up till 2 and sleep till 7 am?

Yes, I know, neither option is ideal. Sorry Mom, but every now and then these kinds of nights come around. I've tried my best to avoid them over the years, but a lack of preparation for a test combined with my anxiousness for the impending morning makes it impossible to relax, even at the point of exhaustion.

While laying in bed mentally drained but physically apprehensive, I began to wonder; how long could I stay up?

I love sleep, don't get me wrong. If you ask my roommates they'll tell you I'm the first in bed almost every single night. I do tend to get up early, but by 11 pm I'm defiantly excited to climb into bed and call it a night.

So as I laid in bed my mind began to wander.

I began to think of what could possibly be on my test in the morning. I then began to think of material for the stand-up routine (a previous goal). I then started to think about how long my computer had been on, and I was unable to recall the last time I had completely shut it down. This was about the point I caught myself and realized my thoughts were becoming a bit erratic. My mind was leading me to strange and obscure places that I'd rarely encountered, and I quickly noticed I was just wasting precious time. So instead of meandering through whatever course my mind decided to take me on next, I figured time would better be spent staring at Powerpoint slides until I bored myself to sleep.

And I ended up here.

I've never stayed up 2 nights in a row. I can't even recall the last time I've stayed up 40 hours. But I'm intrigued by the idea of 72 straight hours of no sleep. I don't know if it's physically possible (for me), but I'm certainly willing to try. And as I said to start this post, the human mind is a dense and fascinating place. Under the influence of a severe lack of sleep I can only imagine the journey my mind would take me on.

Just thinking about this has tired me out.

Hope you are all sleeping and read this at a decent hour, ideally when it is light outside and you don't have a test in 7 hours.

Thanks for reading, and sleep well whenever you do get your rest.


Monday, February 14, 2011 / / comments (1)

Head to the airport and take the next flight out of the country.

Yes, to anywhere.

This idea scares me, I'll admit it. But that's also part of the reason why I added it to this last. The fear of it absolutely entices me. I love surprises, and I love to think I'm spontaneous. I think it's a bit arrogant to say I am spontaneous, especially considering I haven't done anything "oh a whim" in a while, but I like to blame that on school and a lack of free time.

Regardless, after hesitating for a minute I've decided I need to add this goal to the list. I need to have goals on this list that require me to be spontaneous, to do things that make me uncomfortable or scare me. Proud to add this goal to the list, and can't wait to see where this flight takes me.

As much as I want to pack a bag right now and drive to the airport I have a test tomorrow. So I'm cutting this entry short and heading into the fascinating world of International Economics.

Thanks for reading this entry, sorry to anyone who checked this since Friday and was disappointed that I hadn't updated. Trying not to happen again, but seems to be happening almost every weekend. Working on changing that! I promise!

Thanks again for reading and I'll be hopefully be posting on time all week.


Monday, February 14, 2011 / / comments (0)

Visit Machu Picchu

This was a suggestion by a roommate as I sat on the couch with terrible writer's block. But after googling it and reading up on the back story it does sound like something I absolutely NEED to see in person. Visiting all of the "New Seven Wonders of the World" is an obvious potential goal after researching Machu Picchu. My only hesitation is that one of the sites is in Mexico, a place that terrifies me as of lately. Dying at the hands of some insane Mexican drug cartel is not exactly how I imagine myself going.

I'm tired tonight, and have a test tomorrow morning. I also just realized I forgot to call my mother back on Valentines Day, so I'm leaving the library right now to take care of that. I'll finish my last entry and be caught up by the end of tonight. Thanks for reading.


Monday, February 14, 2011 / / comments (0)

Learn to write legibly with my left hand.

Ok, I'll admit it. Right now it has no obvious practical use. However, how many people can boast that they can write with both hands? Seems like a cool thing to be able to do!

Ideally I would accomplish this goal by finals week to avoid those terrible cramps everyone gets in their hands after having to write countless pages. Hopefully alternating hands would avoid these cramps, rather than cramp up both my hands. Regardless, I would love to be able to write with both hands.

No idea why, just my random goal of the day.

Thanks for reading! Sorry for no posts over the weekend. Spent the weekend catching up with my girlfriend (finally) and enjoying Valentine's Day. Hope I didn't let too many of my followers down! Catching up with the rest of the posts today!


Friday, February 11, 2011 / / comments (2)

Read an entire book in one day.

This sounds really nice to me right now. This may be the first goal I accomplish. I secretly hope it is because I really want to have a day where I just sit down, relax, and read all day.

I know, I sound like a nerd right now. But I'm being honest, I do love reading. Also, my newfound love for my kindle has really hooked me back into reading. It has become an escape for me, as it was when I was younger. My parents always encouraged us to read, and often shut off the TV at night and we sat around the living room reading as a family. I don't have too many vivid memories of my childhood, but for some reason this is one of them. So maybe something about cuddling up under a blanket at night makes me think of my childhood, maybe it makes me feel closer to my parents and sister, or maybe I enjoy reading so much just because if I'm reading it means I'm not doing more homework; who knows. Whatever the reason may be, I want to allocate quite a few days to reading before I'm 31, but I've always had the goal of starting and finishing a book in one day.

Don't worry, I won't cheat and just flip through a picture book, as tempting as that may be.

The problem with living in Arizona is that it is extremely challenging to find days where you can just sit around the house and read. The weather really never allows you to do so. When I lived in Connecticut you would look out in the dead of winter and realize a book and a cup of hot chocolate looked much more enticing than shoveling off and defrosting your car. But in Arizona, when it is 70 degrees and sunny on February 11th it is very hard to resist spending a day outdoors. Yes, it is true that every day is this weather, but I never get sick of it. It is extremely rare for me to wake up and just want to have a lazy day. It is always perfect weather here, so I'm always convinced to go outside and making something of my day. Maybe one day I'll just close all my blinds, ignore the sun peaking through, and cuddle up with a book in bed. Might be a good idea to turn up my air conditioning too, make it cold enough that I want a cup of hot chocolate. Hopefully then I'll be willing to sit in bed all day and finish a book.

As for now, I'm slowing working my way through George Bush's new book, "Decision Points". Not a big fan of the guy to be honest, but the book is a very good read, and a fascinating look into the life of the Commander-in-Chief during a very difficult 8-year stretch. I highly recommend it.

But when I find a new book I'm defiantly going to consider reading it from start to finish in one day. Let you know when I finish the book, what it was, and how it was.

Thanks for reading this entry. Hope you were able to read it all in one day.


Thursday, February 10, 2011 / / comments (0)

So after talking about this page with a few people, most of which I trust a great deal, I've decided 2 things.

1. A majority of my goals need to be fairly easy and reasonable for me to accomplish. While I think all my goals so far have been, it was brought to my attention that 365 goals is in insane amount. Think about it, if I started today that would give me roughly 8.75 years until I'm 31, that's roughly 3,194 days. Divided by 365 goals would give me one goal I needed to accomplish every 8.75 days! I could never take a week off! So these goals need to be awesome, crazy, and stuff I really want to do, while at the same time being things that I expect to happen in my future so I don't fall short of accomplishing everything on my list.

If you've spoken to me recently then you know this conundrum I've been having, but just thought I'd type it out for the rest of you.

2. (Ironically after #1's entry...) My posts should be shorter. Apparently people don't need to read my 5,000 word entries. While lately they've been appropriate length, some of my earlier entries were pretty long, and I'm sure I could easily fall back into that trap. So I've been asked not to.

If you ever want to talk about a goal feel free to call, text, email, facebook me, tweet @ me, or show up at my door. Whatever works best.

Also, I've been told there is a problem with commenting lately, people are trying and their comments aren't going through. Sorry! I'm working on the technical difficulties as soon as I finish this entry!

Ok, finally to today's goal. Obviously this goal is along the lines of suggestions #1, something that I see myself reasonably being able to accomplish in the near future. If this goal isn't done by the time this list is, I'm going to be going insane to be honest...

Get a full-time job.

This goal was suggested by a good friend who awaits the same fate as me come 3 months from now, graduation from college. At first I laughed at the goal, saying of course everyone knew I wanted a job when I graduated. But now this goal seems like a great idea.

Hopefully it's a goal I can knock of my list in the near future.

Thanks and talk to you tomorrow. Stay classy readers in the U.S., England, Canada, France and South Korea!


Wednesday, February 09, 2011 / / comments (1)

Ok, so I'm a bit tired tonight, so am going with a goal that doesn't require much of an explanation or back-story. If you know me, or have even read my previous goals (i.e. goal #1) you obviously saw this goal coming.

Visit all 50 states in the U.S.A.

Every time I visit a new state I am shocked by the stark contrasts that exist with our own country, and the diversity of the U.S. continues to amaze me. I've visited 36 states so far, but still obviously have my work cut out for me. I've been fortunate enough to drive cross country 5 times (on my way to and from school), probably with a 6th time coming in my near future, but traveling is an obvious passion of mine, and I can't wait to do more of it in the near future.

If you haven't traveled around the U.S. and seen the amazing differences from the east to west coasts, from the north to the south then I absolutely recommend trying it. While many people underestimate how rewarding traveling domestically can be, I really wouldn't "knock it until you've tried it".

Ok, if I'm writing in phrases instead of taking the time to use my diction then it is time to go to bed.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to everyone who has given me feedback lately. Love my readers and really appreciate it. Please let me know if you check this page out, I love to hear from you.


Tuesday, February 08, 2011 / / comments (0)

This goal kind of sounds like a good excuse to lay on the couch for countless hours, and it just may be. But regardless it is a goal I want to accomplish, so put your mockery aside.

To watch every movie that has won The Academy Award's "Best Picture" from 1950 till the present.

Movies are an crucial portion of American culture. Sorry if it offends you, but I'm more than happy to argue this point. They have united us, divided us and certainly changed the lives of almost everyone who has sat down and spent 2 or more hours of their life following a story-line depicted through the art that is cinema.

While I would love to watch every movie anyone every told me I "needed to see", that is simply impossible. Therefore, I figured the next best option was to watch every "best picture".

To see how cinema has evolved over the decades is a glance not only into how technology has evolved, but also how society as a whole has changed. I find it fascinating and can't wait to explore more of these cinematic masterpieces in the next nine years of my life.

Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, February 08, 2011 / / comments (0)

No real story behind this one, just an obvious purpose.

Learn the 100 basic American Sign Language signs.

Every person has a story, and every person has a voice, and every person has the right to be heard and to communicate with others. Just something I believe in; figured I'd share.

Being unable to speak is unimaginable for me. I am extremely fortunate to have all of my senses and to have full functionality of them, but some people are not as blessed. However, these people, from my limited experience, usually find a way to cope with their disability, and are often far more resilient and optimistic than most others because of the challenges they've overcome. I want to be able to communicate with everyone; white, black, Christian, Muslim, Republican, Democrat, deaf, mute or blind.

People are people in my opinion, and everyone deserves to be perceived.

Therefore this goal has an obvious purpose for me, to be able to communicate with those whom I am not able to at this point because they are unable to speak or hear.

If anyone knows the ASL signs, especially if you go to school with me, please let me know! I'd love to learn them ASAP!

Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, February 08, 2011 / / comments (0)

Ok so for me this one was easy. This past weekend I went and saw stand-up comedy for the first time in a long time, and it made me realize how amazing being on stage in front of a live audience must be. After meeting the comics after the show I realized the transition they went through. From their normal, calm demeanor off the stage to their amazing, captivating presence on stage; their transition was extraordinary.

I really enjoy making people laugh.

I think it is one of, if not the best tool to solve almost any problem. Laughter and joy seems to make almost anyone forgot about their problems, even if it is only for an instance.

That is why I've decided I want to do a stand up comedy routine.

No idea where yet, and of course no idea when. But I want to get in front of at least 10 complete strangers, be on stage, and (hopefully) make them laugh. I want to be their escape, to help them relax and forget about their problems. And who knows, maybe they'll like my material and repeat it to friends. Maybe my audience can spread their laughter and jubilation to others; helping friends escape their problems and simply laugh, if only for an instant.


Tuesday, February 08, 2011 / / comments (0)

First, sorry for the inexcusable time away. I hope this won't happen again, because the whole point of this blog was to keep up with it and make sure I make goals everyday. But in my defense I did think of a goal each day, I just never found the time to sit down and put in the time to write an entry. While the goals are ultimately the most important part of this blog, I do like to rationalize why I've created a goal, both to myself and to whoever decides to read my tangents.

Anyway, the goal from Saturday was one that was suggested by a close friend during a much needed catch-up on friday afternoon (I'm not going to use people's names on the blog, you never know who honestly likes being mentioned by name and who doesn't). She told me, as many people have, that she really enjoyed goal #2; a small gesture that can make a difference in another person's life, and could potentially be easily spread by others. I agreed, and defiantly hope to make more goals similar to that one in the near future. She shared a gesture that her and her family do on every road trip and I instantly fell in love with it.

Pay for the person behind me at a toll (whenever money permits).

As long as I have the appropriate change on me, I love the idea of paying for the person behind you at a toll. It obviously isn't about the act of saving a dollar or less, it is about a random act of kindness for a complete stranger.

While I could obviously ramble on for hours about how I love this whole "random acts of kindness" (for no reason) idea, I'm trying to catch up on being a few days behind tonight. So if you want to talk more about this call me, whenever works for you. And if you don't have my number and are reading this, thanks, and feel free to comment or message me. Also, watch "Pay It Forward", it's a pretty good movie with a really great message.

Thanks for reading, and only a few more entries to catch up on tonight!


Friday, February 04, 2011 / / comments (0)

Go back to Prague.

On the one year anniversary of my first day in Prague I feel it is most appropriate to add this goal to my list. While I know there are so many places in the world I still want to visit, and I don't like going to the same place twice with so many new places I still want to see, Prague is an exception.

I have a special love for that city after calling it my home for 4 months, and absolutely NEED to go back and see it before I'm 31. Not much of an explanation needed here, I miss Prague and if you were abroad with me you know we need to go back and have a reunion ASAP.

Sorry for the short entries, it's early and I'm packing while writing these.

I'm not going to be putting up an update tomorrow (2/5/2011) because I'll be away from my computer, but I'll write a goal down tomorrow and put it up sunday night!

Thanks for reading and I really appreciate all the support. Especially those of you who have called me and given me feedback over the past few days. Love the support and love the criticism even more, helps me improve and gives me new ideas for how to move forward with my goals for the next 360 days.

Thanks again, and I'll post 2 new goals Sunday night.


Friday, February 04, 2011 / / comments (0)

Interview both my Grandmothers about their life stories.

Something I've wanted to do for a while. I feel like there is a lot I don't know, and I know they have amazing stories to share.

Short, but personal entry. If you know my Grandma's you know they are pretty amazing people. So this goal is one I've defiantly mentioned to a few people, and I think it is a goal everyone should do because after 70+ years I'm sure our grandparents have some pretty amazing stories to tell and wisdom to share.


Wednesday, February 02, 2011 / / comments (0)

Make a documentary.

This goal comes from a variety of influences in my life.

The first would be my Dad, who has been a part of the movie industry for my entire life. So to be able to take advice from him, or possibly collaborate with him on a project I'm really passionate about is a goal I'm already anxious to fulfill.

The second comes from an organization I volunteered with a few years ago called "Invisible Children". They made a documentary on child soldiers, which is an often overlooked but extremely tragic issue that has ravished large parts of Africa for decades. I really suggest their website, http://www.invisiblechildren.com/ to learn more about them. Trust me, it is really fascinating stuff, so much so that they influenced me to decide to make a documentary before I turn 31.

After seeing their movie, as well as many other documentaries over the years (the best ones have been suggested by my dad), I truly do believe a documentary can make a difference; and I am living proof.

So I have little to no idea what I want to make a documentary about, and no long story about where I got this idea. I'm on a time crunch today, with a paper due tomorrow that I'm still not happy with. Sorry followers.

I'm very open to ideas though, and of course would love some help on the project. So if anyone sees this entry before I'm 31, and before you've seen me cross this off my list, please leave a suggestion.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and cya tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 01, 2011 / / comments (0)

There have been tons of intriguing ideas that flew through my head as today progressed, but most came and went. Nothing seemed to have the allure that entices me to add it to this list, something I feel I NEED to do before my 31st year arrives.

Then in my final class today we got into a fascinating argument; whether a person should "live to make a difference". While making a difference in the life of others is looked at as an extremely admirable quality by (almost) everyone, the counter-argument was that if you do live to benefit others and make a difference in the world, have you sacrificed living your own life? This continued as classmates pondered such unanswerable questions as, "isn't life more than just living?", and "don't we all have a purpose?", but I dwelled on the idea of whether we should "live to make a difference". Obviously I am well aware of the whole idea of the "butterfly effect" and that every action has a reaction, and thus every decision we make, every action we commit, makes a difference in the lives of countless other people. However, these are unintentional differences in the lives of others, we rarely commit everyday actions in order to positively impact those around us on a large scale. While holding the door for someone, or saying "thank you" may have a positive impact in the short-run, the chances that those actions will impact a person for the rest of their life is miniscule.

While I've gone off on a tangent (as I regret to inform you I may do fairly often), my point is that I do believe it is extremely admirable to "live to make a difference". I find the most overlooked example in our everyday lives is the members of our armed forces. They risk their lives in order to preserve our lifestyle. And without them we would never be "guaranteed" the freedoms we often take for granted. They make a difference on a daily basis, and therefore it would be very hard to argue that fighting to secure our freedom is not living to make a difference, as we are aware of the obvious consequences if they were not so courageous.

I am well aware after a tangent like this I should come up with a goal worth reading this long for. Sorry to disappoint, but it isn't happening tonight.

My goal is random.

It is a rare goal concerned with money, something I try to rarely concern myself with. But it was an act I saw committed a few months ago while at an airport, and I found it to be an amazing gesture of kindness. My hope is that this action helps the recipient, and I also hope that someone is fortunate enough to witness it and continue to pass along this feat, as I hope to someday soon.

So this idea is to tip 5X the amount of the bill.

Yes, 500%.

I saw a man sitting by himself at the airport, reading a book, which is a very normal scene for a casual traveler. His waiter came over and they briefly spoke about the novel he was reading "Hot, Flat and Crowded" by Thomas Friedman (I listened in, a habit I have, but in my defense I'd read the book and wanted to hear their opinions). After a 10 minute conversation full of in-depth arguments over the future of over-populated areas such as China and India the waiter was called to the kitchen to deliver an order.

After the waiter left the man gathered his belongings, glanced at his check, took a bill out of his wallet, placed it on the table and walked away. Everything seemed normal. The waiter then walked up and opened the check, he immediately ran out into the terminal to search for the patron. The waiter yelled, "Sir, you forgot your change", and the man calmly turned around and replied, "have a nice day". I then saw the waiter stand there in disbelief before coming back into the bar where he turned to a co-worker with a dumbfounded expression on his face and exclaimed, "he left me a hundred dollar bill on a eighteen dollar tab". While everyone at the bar seemed in complete shock, I had nothing but admiration for mysterious patron.

While I could ramble on for hours more about why I think he would commit such an amazing act of charity, I think I've used up enough of your time. The point is, I saw what an impact this spontaneous act of kindness had, and I hope to duplicate it someday.

Hope my ramble in the beginning you found relevant to some part of your life, and I hope my vignette in the end has made you envious of the impact such a small gesture can have.

Oh, and P.S.- I'm sure the whole conversation about "living to make a difference" will come back to be a goal at some point, just haven't quite decided on a goal worth making yet. Remember, I plan to accomplish ALL of these, so I have to be hesitant to commit to rash impulse goals...