
Monday, March 07, 2011 / /

This one is an easy decision for me.

After sitting in the library for the past 3 hours and realizing how little I really get done in the library compared to the extraordinary amount of time I spend here the sad reality is that the internet is too much of a distraction for me to avoid. Therefore, there is only one logical conclusion to this conundrum:

Stay off Facebook for a month.

Twitter? Don't be ridiculous, I still need the news, but Facebook is something I need some time away from.

98% of my time spent on Facebook is a complete waste of time. It is spent reading people's pointless status updates about their monotonous days, or weeding through pictures of my friends with people I don't know in hopes of finding out what they're up to these days.

But honestly, these goals could easily be accomplished through a simple phone call, text or email. So rather than wasting far too much time each and every day it is time to give Facebook a break.

But not right now of course... Just some time before I'm 31.

Thanks for reading. I'll be catching up on the rest of the posts by the end of the day.


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