
Friday, March 04, 2011 / /

Climb a mountain over 10,000 ft

Just to clarify, I mean where the peak is at over 10,000 ft elevation.

This has been a goal of mine for while, so about time I put it down in writing. The most frustrating part of this goal is how close I've gotten. I've climbed two mountains with a peak less than 500 ft away from 10,000, and I've also climbed a mountain with a peak over 10,000 ft BUT we had to turn back because of bad weather.

So close, yet never accomplished. So now I'm adding this goal to the blog to make sure I accomplish it.

One of these days I'll head north to Colorado and climb one of those monsters. And when I do then you, my readers, will be the first to know!

Catching up on my goals! One more left to do!


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