
Monday, April 11, 2011 / /

Visit New Orleans

Ok, I know, not exactly the uplifting picture you envisioned. But we can never forget the tragedy that truly ravished this city only a few short years ago.

While doing relief work in New Orleans may not be the sole reason I have for visiting this city, it is certainly a contributing factor. 

I'll be honest, I also love the South. With a few exceptions, I am fascinated by their cities and distinct culture and lifestyle and have really enjoyed all of my time spent there. So New Orleans is just another city I haven't been to and would absolutely love to check out.

Who knows, maybe I can get two goals off the list in one trip; do some relief work and visit New Orleans! 

I missed Mardi Gras this year, but hopefully I can make an appearance next year to accomplish a few goals on this long long list of mine.


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