
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 / / comments (0)

Ride in a submarine.

Being underwater, but comfortably inside and not soaking wet? Yes please! Count me in!

Thanks for this suggestion via facebook. If anyone has any other ideas for goals please comment them, email me @ cantonpnc@gmail.com or send them to me on facebook or twitter (@pcantonverified).

Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day!


Monday, April 25, 2011 / / comments (1)

Get hypnotized

Ok, I'm sorry, but when I googled "hypnotized" this image came up and I couldn't resist.

I absolutely don't want to end up like her, but I would like to get hypnotized.

I don't believe in all the silliness of hypnosis but I'm always willing to try new things. And I absolutely believe the human mind is an intricate and fascinating place. I love traveling, so why wouldn't I love venturing further into the depths of my own mind? Who knows what I may find in there, but I'm already anxious to find out.

Thanks for reading. Sorry I was behind and hope you can forgive me.


Monday, April 25, 2011 / / comments (0)

Learn wine appreciation

Because I have the feeling 5L "bottles" of Carlo Rossi are not considered "good wine" and I intend to find out what's better.

Even with wine appreciation I doubt I'll stop buying the same wines though. Guess time will tell...


Monday, April 25, 2011 / / comments (0)

Make a hand print in concrete

I like having random spontaneous things to do on this list.

Sticking my hand into wet concrete absolutely falls into that category.


Monday, April 25, 2011 / / comments (0)

Go white water rafting

Defiantly something I could see myself doing in the near future, so why not add it to the list!


Monday, April 25, 2011 / / comments (0)

See a rocket launch live

Ok, yes I know that's a movie, not real astronauts. But it's an awesome movie; and what popped in my head when I thought of rockets!

Ok, this is more like it:

Thanks for reading. Sorry I'm behind, but catching up now!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 / / comments (0)

Another goal off the list! That is an ENORMOUS COOKIE... which was a goal on my list. The cookie was in 2 parts, both the size of my oven, just to give some perspective. 

Ok, now onto goal #80!

Grow a Bansai Tree

Mini trees? These are the coolest things I've seen since mini giraffes! (click the link if you don't belive me, I'm already on the waiting list!)

I want to grow one of these awesome trees, even though everything I've read says if grown and nourished properly it could outlive me, which is quite depressing.

Thanks so much for reading. Sorry I was behind, but I hope you can forgive me and I appreciate you coming back after my week of infrequent updates.

Have a great night!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 / / comments (0)

Draw a zentangle

Ok, I'll be honest, there is no way mine will be that good. 

But I think it's a cool idea and I would love to work on my artistic prowess, so this seems like a great opportunity. 

One more day...


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 / / comments (0)

Have a library in my house

Recognize this? If your answer is no then you must not be spending very much time with me lately because it's the University of Arizona library.

But I enjoy reading and even though I love my kindle I still think it's important to own hardcopy books that I've really enjoyed.

Plus you seem SO much more intelligent when you show someone to the "library" in your house. 

Thanks for reading. Almost caught up!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 / / comments (0)

Listen to a "great album" all the way through

Something I enjoy doing and don't do often enough.

Might as well add these goals to the list to make sure I do them.

Not sorry about it!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 / / comments (0)

Get retweeted by someone with more than 10,000 followers


Shameless self promotion. I know, it's disgusting.

If you don't have a twitter you probably don't care about this goal. Sorry. I can't please everyone.

For those of you who do "tweet"I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this goal.

What's the point besides possibly getting more followers?

There probably is none. But it's something I've been trying to do for a while, so might as well add it to this list!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 / / comments (0)

Shave everyday for a month

I don't have a picture for this one... sorry...

If you know me you know I'm rarely clean shaven. Right now I haven't shaved in a few weeks and it made me realize how rarely I actually do shave.

I think it would be interesting to see what it would be like if I shaved everyday, even though I already imagine how cumbersome it'll be.

Thanks for reading, catching up as quickly as I can!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011 / / comments (1)

Go to New Yankee Stadium

It's depressing I still haven't been. My excuse is that I haven't been back in the northeast for more than 4 days for a while now, so I haven't had very much of a chance.

I could ramble on about being a lifetime Yankee fan and how much I really want to be at the new stadium, but who cares.

Also I'm a week behind, so it's time to catch up!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011 / / comments (0)

Swim with a whale shark

I'll admit, I struggle with snorkeling. I remember not having too much trouble with scuba-diving, so I hope that works out in my favor for this one.

But I've read that swimming with these "gentle giants" is one of the most humbling experiences you can have, as it truly puts the power of nature into perspective. 

No big announcement today. Sorry loyal readers. But here is a great picture I saw earlier today that I think helps inspire me to keep writing for my loyal audience:

I think a lot of people in this world are too concerned with the "wrong" things. But I'm proud to say I've associated myself with some great people in my 22 years and those people keep me inspired that there are good people in this world. And that gives me hope.

The finding of these people that I consider "good" are what gives me hope for our world.

Maybe a big announcement tomorrow, who knows. Guess it depends on my mood! Sorry

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this post, even with the tangent at the end.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011 / / comments (1)

Write out an original movie story-line

(If you don't get this movie reference you should probably ask/ get to know me)

Movies came up a lot today for some reason. 

I am attempting to help a good friend of mine get his movie made; I had a great idea for a movie I want to create someday; and I'm about to go lay in bed and watch a movie until I fall asleep.

See, movies are everywhere in my life!

But on a serious note, I feel like I come up with ideas for movies all of the time. I usually just tell a friend, or my dad, but never do anything else with the idea. I figured with all these ideas I should settle on one I really like and write out a full story and see where my idea goes from there, it couldn't hurt.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the post, and hopefully I get to over 500 views for this month already. That would be pretty freaking cool. 

P.S. Big news coming in the next few days, so stay tuned.


Monday, April 11, 2011 / / comments (0)

Learn how to develop my own film in a darkroom

(Picture I took of the beach we lived on in Australia)

I love photography, and very few things make me prouder than showing off pictures I've taken from some of my favorite places I've traveled. And while digital photography is fantastic, and accounts for 99% of the pictures I take, I would also love to learn how to develop my own pictures. 

Anyone know how? Have a darkroom conveniently set up somewhere in their house? If so, please let me know because I'd love to learn.

Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow, have a great day.


Monday, April 11, 2011 / / comments (0)

Visit New Orleans

Ok, I know, not exactly the uplifting picture you envisioned. But we can never forget the tragedy that truly ravished this city only a few short years ago.

While doing relief work in New Orleans may not be the sole reason I have for visiting this city, it is certainly a contributing factor. 

I'll be honest, I also love the South. With a few exceptions, I am fascinated by their cities and distinct culture and lifestyle and have really enjoyed all of my time spent there. So New Orleans is just another city I haven't been to and would absolutely love to check out.

Who knows, maybe I can get two goals off the list in one trip; do some relief work and visit New Orleans! 

I missed Mardi Gras this year, but hopefully I can make an appearance next year to accomplish a few goals on this long long list of mine.


Saturday, April 09, 2011 / / comments (1)

Go to the concert of a band I've never heard of before

Oh, and while I'm there I plan to act like their biggest fan.

This blog is about making me do spontaneous things that take me outside of my comfort zone, right? So why not revert back to one of the reasons why I created this blog. Time to make more goals that I'd be uncomfortable to accomplish, and this one is at the top of that list.

On that note, found a random song last night on a playlist on 8tracks.com. It's a very cool site that takes an artist and shares a playlist someone else has made including that song. Similar to pandora except handcrafted by other users instead of a computer generated playlist. Anyway, check out this song. I'm not a big fan of rap, but I love the beat; very catchy and it's been stuck in my head all day.


Saturday, April 09, 2011 / / comments (0)

So before posting today's goal I want to share a blog I'm really enjoying.

This blog (click here) is done by a friend of mine from back home.

Just basically a smorgasbord of what is going on in his head, but it's some really interesting stuff. And he credits me and this blog for inspiring him to start his own; so it has to be pretty good I figure!

Also, that means I CAN KNOCK A GOAL OFF MY LIST! I am proud to say that I inspired someone to create their own blog/ bucket list .

Now, to today's goal.

To have a friend on every continent.

(Me with some of our friends in Morocco) 

While it is hard to quantifiably pinpoint exactly when I would accomplish this goal, the point of it really is that I love making friends. I love the idea of having friends all over the world, and that where ever I travel to I could have someone to call and meet up with who lives close by.

Maybe this idea is coming into my head with my friend from England coming in later today, and my friend who I met in Australia coming in later this week. Regardless, I love the idea of having international friend only a phone call away, so having a friend on every continent is a dream I hope to accomplish as my international travels continue.


Thursday, April 07, 2011 / / comments (0)

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

Just a little inspirational quote for the day. 

Today's goal now have some overlap with others, but it's my list, and I want to make sure this goal is explicit.

Climb the Great Wall of China

I don't know when, but I do eventually want to go to China. And while there I obviously have to see this amazing wonder of the world.

Have a great night and a happy birfday to two of my closest boys. You know who you are, and I'll be celebrating with one of you tonight and the other very soon...


Thursday, April 07, 2011 / / comments (0)

Go to a World Cup

Have you seen the plans for the world cup in Qatar?!?

If you haven't check out this video. If you have then watch it again because they're insane.

I'm trying my best as an American to be a soccer fan. But the World Cup for me is more than just a soccer tournament. It is a cultural gathering, with people from all over the world coming to cheer on their team and boast about their home.

I think it's an amazing event and can't wait to see it myself. The catch is that it only happens once every four years.

But it is in Brazil in 2014... so hopefully I'll be there!

Have a great day.


Tuesday, April 05, 2011 / / comments (0)

Don't talk for an entire day

Don't know why. But one of my favorite of my professors came into class today and said he hadn't spoken to anyone in two days, and found it very "liberating".

Not sure if I believe the guy, but sounded like an intriguing idea.

I could get away with not talking to anyone outside my apartment while living in Prague with ease. I was rarely spoken to, and when I was addressed I just replied "anglicky", meaning English. After they understood I didn't speak Czech our conversation usually ended abruptly.

I'm thinking it may be a good idea to accomplish the goal of learning 100 basic sign language signs before being silent for a full 24 hours.

But who knows when this urge to be silent will come to me!

Thanks for reading. Have a great day and a better tomorrow.


Monday, April 04, 2011 / / comments (1)

Experience weightlessness

How cool does that video look!?!

Don't know how, where, or when I could do this. But I've decided experiencing zero gravity is a must.

Anyone interested in joining? Please let me know.

Tired tonight. Sorry east coast for not posting on April 4th your time.

Hope you can forgive me.

See you tomorrow.


Sunday, April 03, 2011 / / comments (0)

Bake a giant cookie

That simple. Really big cookie.

Image of my really big cookie coming soon...


Sunday, April 03, 2011 / / comments (0)

Jump into a pool fully clothed

Is this metaphorical? Does this have a deeper meaning? Do I just really want my clothes to smell like chlorine and be very uncomfortable for a while?

You decide.


Friday, April 01, 2011 / / comments (2)

So after 2 months of writing this blog I've sadly decided to stop.

It just doesn't have the same meaning for me anymore, and I've lost my passion for it.

I told myself if it wasn't fun writing this blog I wouldn't do it anymore, and it isn't fun for me anymore.

So sadly, today is the end of this blog.

Thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate it, and if I find it in me to come back and start up again I'll make sure to let you all know.

Get rid of this whole "end of an era" post, because that was my april fools joke. Seemed to get a lot of people actually, I'm pretty proud.

And my reward for this awesome april fools joke? Over 2000 total views now. Very cool.

As for 4/1/2011 my goal is:

Start a scholarship

Raise money for someone to go to college, an experience I have been fortunate enough to have.

Not quite sure who the scholarship will be for (though I do have someone in mind...) or when I'll start, but before I turn 31 I would love to raise money for someone (besides my own kid[s]) to go to college.

Thanks for reading, hope that april fools joke wasn't too much to handle because I don't plan on stopping this blog till January 31st, 2012...


Friday, April 01, 2011 / / comments (0)

Go to a film festival

They seem pretty cool in Entourage.

Also I love the idea of seeing a bunch of independent movies with the creators sitting in the theater with you. Seems like it would be a crazy experience.

Sorry I'm a day behind. Catching up now!