
Monday, May 02, 2011 / / comments (0)

We got over 1,000 page views last month!

Always my goal, so awesome to see that I reached it again. Thanks everyone for reading. I hope you're enjoying reading this blog as much as I am writing it.

Now to the goal:

Complete the 365 Question Challenge in a day
(^^^^^Click that link to take you to the site for further explanation)

Really cool site I came across. I was intrigued by the challenge as I love any activity that is mentally stimulating and makes my reflect simultaneously.

I hope some of you take up the arduous task of attempting to answer these questions and please let me know how it goes.

Have an amazing Monday and, I hope, an even better Tuesday. See you tomorrow.


Sunday, May 01, 2011 / / comments (2)

As I sit here watching the Mets destroy the Phillies (it's 1-0 Mets as of this moment... top of the 7th, 1 out) it just crossed my mind. How is this goal not on my list?

Attend the World Series

That's the team that made me love baseball, the 1998 World Series Champion NY Yankees.

My Bernie Williams jersey still hang on my wall.

I digress.

Hopefully I'd be able to go to all 4 games and see a Yankee sweep, but if not I'd happily settle for just going to one game.

Regardless, I would love to go to a World Series game and absolutely see the Yankees making an appearance there in the next 9 years.

Hopefully I can support the Yanks on the road for a World Series game. The tickets are way too pricey in the new stadium!

Thanks for reading. Again, I'm sorry I was behind, it was a bit of a hectic week.

But thanks for taking time out of your day to read this blog, I truly appreciate the support.

Comments, critiques, questions; all that fun is always welcome, so please feel free to leave it below.

You can even comment anonymously! Doesn't that sound like fun!?!

Until tomorrow, thanks for reading and see you soon.


Sunday, May 01, 2011 / / comments (0)

Read the Bible

Google comes up with some pretty awesome images sometimes, and this was no exception. Didn't even have to leave the first page to find this gem.

If you know me well then you know religion plays a very ambiguous role in my life. While I won't go into specifics due to those who are close to me who I know read this blog, I will say ignorance is no excuse for religious beliefs.

It is one thing to not believe in a religion. It is another to not believe in a religion and not know the stories behind it.

Therefore, I believe I should read the stories before making any sort of decision. And sadly at this point in my life I'm embarrassed to say I am yet to read the Bible cover-to-cover. And this seems like a fantastic way to change that.

Thanks and hope I didn't offend anyone. If I did then I guess I just lost a reader... oops...


Sunday, May 01, 2011 / / comments (0)

Make a meal completely of food I've grown

I know, it sounds bold, but why not! Time to take some chances with this blog! Enough driving racecars and visiting exotic places, it's time to do something I know nothing about, like growing my own food.

Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll be putting up a picture of the meal I've made with home-grown food in the near future. Depending on how long plants take to grow and all... guess it's time to do some research...


Sunday, May 01, 2011 / / comments (0)

Read "The Art of War"

Ok so I obviously didn't mean the Wesley Snipes movie, but when I googled "The Art of War" this image came up and I couldn't resist.

Yes, I do have an odd and sometimes quirky sense of humor.

This was a suggestion from a friend who said he read and enjoyed it. So when I went to look it up in the Kindle store I quickly realized I had already downloaded it as a free book a few weeks ago.

Guess it has to be fate so I added it to the list!

Thanks for reading and please let me know if you've read this book before and your thoughts on it.


Sunday, May 01, 2011 / / comments (1)

Go on a "real" African safari

Yes, that is me interacting with a giraffe on an African safari. Yes, the background does look like a remote location in Africa and yes that is a real giraffe.

The only flaw is that this is 90 miles north of Phoenix, Arizona where I went to an "African Safari Park" with my girlfriend.

So now that I've done the prep-work and tried out a recreated African safari I think I'm ready for the real thing!

Catching up as you read!


Sunday, May 01, 2011 / / comments (0)

Drive a racecar

Don't even get me started on my disdain for Danica Patrick; trust me. 

And I'm not a nascar fan either to be honest. I know what you're thinking. Yes, I am in a fantasy nascar league. But that is simply for competitive purposes, I am truly not much of a fan. 

Why don't I like nascar? Well to be honest, until last night I did not think driving in a circle only turning left was much of a challenge. 

But WOW was I wrong. I went go-cart racing with my roommates and after about 3 laps my leg cramped up. My new-found respect for nascar drivers, combined with my enthusiasm for driving fast helped inspire me to put this goal down in writing. 

This was a suggestion I got from a friend on facebook, so thanks for the idea. I really appreciate it. 

Thanks for reading, sorry I'm behind but trying to catch up now!