300 days later

Monday, December 03, 2012 / / comments (0)

It's been 300 days since my last blog post. Where to start.

I have to start by admitting the guilt associated with this blog. The guilt that I haven't written any new goals. The guilt that I don't spend my free time accomplishing all the goals I've set out to do. The guilt associated with sitting down 10+ times to write this entry, but never following through with it. And, most importantly, the guilt of ignoring those who have asked me to come back to this blog. I appreciate your words more than you know, and know all of your messages did not fall on deaf ears-- instead they inspired me to come back. So thank you for your patience.

Now, to the list:

19. Help with Natural Disaster Relief Efforts (2/18/2011) accomplished on 11/17/12
49. See the Northern Lights (3/20/2011) accomplished on 10/29/12
76. Get retweeted by someone with more than 10,000 followers accomplished in mid-June thanks to Bernie Williams-- my favorite baseball player of all time

Rome wasn't built in a day, my friends, so cut me a bit of slack. I'm getting there...

The most important part about this blog, to me, is making me think about what motivates someone to set a goal. Do we set goals because we need something to strive for? Something to look forward to? To set our eyes on something to avoid the mundane reality that may otherwise consumer 90% of our days. Or is it so that we can accomplish our goals and bask in that moment of fulfillment? Or is it so we can brag to others about our accomplishments? While I realize most of my goals are selfish, and that's not something I run from and try to hide (nor do I think it's a flaw-- actually, I'm quite proud of it!), the goals that make me smile are the ones about helping others. 

Just think-- what if we all set goals to help other people. Even one goal a month-- to help someone carry their groceries, lend someone you don't know a dollar, or even just smile at someone who looks like they need it. Such simple tasks truly have a significant impact on the lives of others. You may call me an optimist, a dreamer, but think about it-- have you ever had someone help you with a random act of kindness? If you have, then you know how it can brighten an hour, a day, a week, or, in my case, a lifetime.

Everyone grows up with the dreams of changing our world. What will my legacy be? Who will invent the next Internet, cell phone, computer-- maybe cure cancer, AIDS, or even depression-- why not me?

We end up settling for less than that. It's not a bad thing-- I truly believe that-- but it's reality. A good job, the stability of a daily routine, family that needs your help and support, someone you care about: these are all reasons to put your dreams on the back-burner, but just don't forget about them. If you owe me anything, if you owe society anything, hell, if you owe yourself anything-- then don't give up on those dreams. You don't need to accomplish them in your early 20s. Honestly, you'll probably be in a much better place to tackle those dreams after a few years of post-grad living and learning. But please, just don't forget about them. Whether it's curing cancer, starting a scholarship, becoming a teacher, or even raising your perfect family. Write that goal down, put it somewhere safe and revisit it... when you're ready.

I'm not sure when we'll all be ready. It will probably be different times in our lives for all of us. But all I know, and this I know for certain, is that if we all hold onto our dreams and set our minds to accomplishing our goals, the world will be a better place because of it.

Now, to my goal. This one's easy-- just to follow my own advice. Write down a goal that I think I can accomplish and put it somewhere safe. I know that goal will be in the back of my mind for a while to come, which will make accomplishing it that much sweeter.

Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope to see you soon.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012 / / comments (0)

Keeping to my word, I'm updating exactly a week after my first post of the new year.

I just want to take a second to say how truly grateful I am that life has worked out the way it has. I have spent the last 24 hours, and will spend the next 48 hours in Utah-- on a paid company trip. The company I work for has done extremely well over the past few years and they've brought all of us together to celebrate. Lucky for me, I just joined at the right time. I don't think I wouldhave this job, or truly be who I am, without this blog-- so thanks for reading. Those who actually care about me and my writing are who truly inspire me. So thank you.

As fora  goal this week-- it's only appropriate that my goal be to learn to ski or snowboard (better).

Unfortunately it doesn't look like this goal will get accomplished in the next 48 hours-- but seeing everyone enjoying themselves on the mountain has made me realize I should really give it another chance.

I went snowmobiling this morning and was a HUGE fan-- so maybe that's reason enough to plan another cold weather trip. Then I'll have an excuse to learn how to enjoy the cold...

Thanks for reading. I look forward to seeing you again next week.

1/31/12 ... The One Year Anniversary Check-In

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 / / comments (0)

I have absolutely no idea where to start with this entry. 

I've meant to sit down and write this "catch-up" post for over 2 weeks now. I've set appointments on my calendar, cancelled plans to set aside time and even set the blog as my home page to remind me to update this page-- but I could never find the courage to actually confront the disaster I've left behind... my abandoned blog. 

I'm proud to say that though I may have neglected to update this page-- my goals have not been forgotten. 

First and foremost, I accomplished goal #11, which has been plaguing me since long before I put it in writing. I found a full-time job (and one I enjoy and am satisfied with...). I accomplished this on November 15th, and started work just three days later, on the 18th. Six months after graduating and a week before my 23rd birthday I could finally breathe a sigh of relief-- I had a job I was excited about and my long and arduous job search had finally concluded (at least for the foreseeable future). 

If you want to know what I'm up to these days, as always, please just shoot me an email (cantonpnc@gmail.com), a facebook message, or a tweet (@cantonpnc) ... I'd love to catch up. But to provide you with a brief tease-- I work as an Analyst focused on client development for a company called Axiom. Long-story-short, we do consulting for F500 companies concerning their legal spending, ediscovery and litigation needs, and how we could help alleviate or redistribute some of those costs. So what that means for me is that I build, maintain and foster relationships with tons of well known companies, which is something I truly enjoy doing. Also, I am heavily involved in one of the fastest growing and most innovative companies in the legal field-- it is an opportunity that has exceeded my expectations for my first "real" job and it keeps me excited to see what the future has in store.

Next on my list was accomplished late in my senior year of college and truly perfected over this past summer. I can now write legibly with my left hand. I even took notes with my left hand the other day after getting a paper cut on the index finger of my right hand (I forgot how much those sting...). I know, truly fascinating stuff...

While I am yet to invest in the stock market I do now have a financial advisor... so hopefully he twists my arm into making some intelligent investments in the near future. Who knows-- maybe I buy some Facebook stock tomorrow...

Another goal I was able to accomplish came far easier than I ever imagined. Throughout the months of July and August I stayed off Facebook. Once I got started it actually turned out to not be very hard at all. It was actually a nice break-- a goal I would suggest everyone try to accomplish at some point (though you better keep in touch with me through email!).

Another goal was to grow a plant I'm proud of-- and after two attemps (may my jalapeno plant rest in peace) I've grown a vine that is on the fast track to taking over my bathroom. We are between naming him "contagion" or "wildfire"... but either way-- the plant spreads like crazy.

A few other are in the works (cooking class booked, flying lesson booked, hypnosis session in the works, etc.) but for now those are all the updates. 

From here on I'm vowing to make a return to the world of blogging. While accomplishing my goals is a good start-- I created this blog to remember goals as I thought of them. So from now till I decide to stop I'll be writing one new goal a week. I know, not nearly as impressive as a goal a day-- but I think this is just the start of my comeback.

As I sit on the train from DC to Stamford I'm staring out the window and thinking of what an appropriate metaphor this truly is. The world outside my window is flying by, and while I know roughly where I am and what I'm looking at I truly don't have time to stop and appreciate what what I'm seeing. It is exactly how I have felt about the past year. From the debate between grad school vs the "real world", to the choice between living and working in China or staying stateside, to where I would move after graduation-- not to mention all the craziness living in DC and having 4 different jobs has been. I'll spare you the details, but I'm sure you're starting to get idea-- this has been a crazy year. But much like this train ride, when I arrive at my destination there is no where I'd rather be. When I get off the train I'll be reunited with my family-- both parents under one roof and Chloe recovering from getting her wisdom teeth yanked (yes, I'm playing supportive older brother-- even if only for a night). And at the end of this tumultuous year I'm living in Washington, working a job I'm excited about and I'm relieved to report life is good. I was faced with millions of choices this past year, but at the end of the day I can confidently say I wouldn't change a single one of them if I was given the chance. 

As always, thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Have a great week and I love the feedback, so please don't hesitate to comment below.