
Sunday, June 12, 2011 / /

Ok, so it's time to come clean and resurface.

There is no acceptable excuse for my absence, but in my defense, the last month may have been the most hectic of my life.

I crammed for finals, graduated college, said goodbye (for now) to all of my friends I've made for the past four years, packed up my life, drove from AZ to CT (with more than a few stops along the way), spent 12 days catching up with family and friends, then moved down to Arlington, VA (just outside of Washington, DC) and started work.

Needless to say, I've been busy.

I've accomplished many goals on my list (check the compiled list to see!) and also thought of many more goals that I want to accomplish.

But I've come to recognize that I wasn't accomplishing things as quickly as I'd hoped. And that was in large part due to the fact that I spent too much of my time thinking of goals and adding them to my list, rather than being out in the world knocking items off my bucket list!

The whole purpose of this list was to get out and accomplish more of my dreams, not to have more dreams. It has been a learning experience and I expect it to continue to be as I do not intend to stop adding to this blog.

I've decided not to stop all together, but instead just to add on a more sporadic basis.

To my loyal readers, thank you, and I promise NEVER to go missing for a month again.

I plan to update at once a week at a minimum, and hopefully more often than that.

I would suggest signing up for the email updates (on the left side of the blog) if you haven't already. They won't spam you, I promise, but it will send you an email of my post whenever I put one up. And since they will be in more random and unmethodical timing I would suggest getting the emails rather than checking every day as this may become a bit monotonous and disappointing.

I will add pictures and stories of the goals I've accomplished soon, and will continue to add goals in the near future.

Again, thanks for reading, sorry for the hiatus and I hope the time off gave you some time to start a bucketlist of your own.



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