
Monday, January 31, 2011 / / comments (0)

Here it is, my inaugural goal.

Well, goal #1 for me before I reach the age of 31 is to visit every continent.

Not just have a flight through each, actually stay there for at least 48 hours, but ideally longer. I'd love to say "stay on every continent for a week", but I include Antarctica in this, and I do not think I could take that kind of cold for an entire week to be honest.

OK, there it is, plain and simple; one day, one goal.

While I want to sit here and let loose with 15+ other goals that just flew into my mind, I have to use self-restraint. For today, there is my goal. Please comment with any questions, comments or thoughts.

Cya tomorrow.

Long list, and Lots of Time...

Monday, January 31, 2011 / / comments (2)

So after putting off my work for the past hour I finally decided what I want to do for the next 365 days of my year. Wake up everyday and post 1 thing I want to do before I turn 31.

I have a lot of things I've always dreamt of doing, and I think putting them down (even if it is as 21st century cliche as "in a blog") will help me organize these ideas. My hope is that organizing them will help me stay focused on accomplishing these tasks, as that is the whole point of creating goals in the first place, at least in my mind.

Now why 31? Because I think it is reasonable to think that is a point where I would want to settle down and start a routine. Kids? A steady job? A wife? Mortgage? Dog? I have no idea, but I figure around nine years from now I should be able to tire myself out, and that will be when I'm ready to start my "real life". Also, 30 seems like the age that everyone starts declaring the receding of their youth, and I figured I should give myself till 31, one more whole year to do what I always envisioned myself doing; following my dreams, and not stopping until I accomplished them.

So for me this is a new-years resolution of sorts, to wake up everyday and take 2 minutes to post something I want to do before I'm 31 years old. While some goals may seem imprudent, or otherwise insignificant, keep in mind I plan to come up with a list of 365 things to do, so some may be easier to accomplish than others; but trust me, they all have a well thought out purpose.

Why start today? To be honest, I don't have a precise reason. I wanted to do something for an entire year starting January 1st, like the rest of the world, but nothing came to mind. But today this dawned on me, and the idea intrigued me, so here I am. But I can absolutely come up with a reason for starting today, such as:
Did you know today is the Independence Day for the small island nation of Nauru? Well, now you do. And until the Independence Day of Nauru next year (aka January 31st), I plan to compile a list of 1 goal per day, concluding with a list of 365 "to-do"s before I'm 31. (If you don't know where Nauru is, check it out: http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&rls=en&q=Nauru&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Nauru&gl=us&ei=LglHTZrpMo66sQOx2MG_Cg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ8gEwAA)

If you have any questions about a goal, please feel free to comment (even anonymously), because if you know me then you know I love my thoughts being challenged, as I believe it brings about deeper thought and ideally deeper understanding. Also, I encourage you to create your own list if this intrigues you, and my only request is that if you do embark on such an arduous endeavor you send me the link so I too can follow along.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you stay with me for the next year. Please "follow" to keep updated on a daily basis.
