
Sunday, July 24, 2011 / / comments (0)

I promise I'm going to try to get better with this updating this page. And if you know me then you know I rarely make promises, so this is a big step. But after talking about this page with a few of my coworkers on Friday, and starting another blogging project (don't worry, I'll update you on that in the next few weeks) I realized my love for this page has not been eradicated, it has simply been hibernating for the past few months.

But I'm back! I've accomplished quite a few of my goals- I now am the proud owner of a Sony a580 DSLR, "a camera I'm proud of",done a wine tasting, shaved everyday for a month... and have been pretty busy otherwise... but I'm going to accomplish more goals in the near future! I promise!

As for the personal side, I am moving apartments next week and starting a new job next week... so life should be hectic. But rather than neglecting this blog and deciding I should be doing "better, more productive things with my time" I've decided to embrace it. Not to treat this blog like a journal, because as those who are close to me know, I have a personal blog and if you search long and hard enough for it you can track that down (good luck, my interest is in cybersecurity... don't think you'll be able to find it). But to use this blog to keep myself focused on what I truly care about. While working is great, my love of life and my true passions are what I use my time outside of the office for. I need this blog to remind me of that.

I created this blog to ensure I didn't forget my dreams and my life goals. It's time to stop running from this blog and to start adopting it into my lifestyle.

Hopefully I can accomplish more of my goals in the near future, and as always, if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to leave them as comments below. Even anonymous comments are welcome!

Thanks for reading and have an amazing few days until you read this page again.

P.S. Here are some of my favorite pictures taken with the new camera, in case you're interested (i.e. family... or photographers looking for a paid young staffer...)

My parents 1953 Packard Caribbean Convertible's white tires at a car show while home for Father's Day. Love this car.

Arlington National Cemetery. No particular reason for this grave, just one of many stoic, but beautiful shots from a few hours spent there. Hope to visit again soon.